Mission Name: S.S.N 1Mission: To establish a spy-satellite in LKO (Low Kerbin Orbit), overlooking Katzi territory.
Rocket: LV1A - Launch Vehicle 1 model A
Payload: ISEEU Model 1 - A small spy satellite, using antennas and other equipment to listen to radio communications within the KMF (Katzi Military Forces), and transmit it back to KSC's tracking station.
Mission Outcome: Ongoing
Mission Log: It was early afternoon at the Kerbal Space Center. A rocket was being mounted on the launchpad. The remote control pilot of the rocket was of course the mighty Bob Kerman, who was sitting in the mission control with a remote controller and a big screen in front of him, and of course his favourite drink: Some Booster Energy Drink! :D
-Umm, Filfurt?
-Yeah, cap'n Bobby?
-Did we put solar panels on the satellite?
-Umm... Let me check 'ye good ol' checklist! Let's see... 1. Engine? Check. 2. Payload? Check. 3. Antennas? Check. 4. Solar panels? Hmm...
-No check in that li'l square there.
-Well, we gotta check ourselves then!
After a minute, the launch was done, and the satellite was sent up into space. At 10000 meters, they began their gravity turn and activated the second stage.
-Everything is looking good, sir.
-That's great, but I'm still worrying about those panels...
-Don't worry, good ol' cap'n! Everything is gonna be fine! And if we forgot that, then we can blame professor Kerstein, who created it!
-Yeah, it's gonna be fine.
After a minute, they reached an apoapsis at 131 thousand meters. They didn't have much fuel left in the main tank.
-Oh, I don't really think we're gonna make it.
-We gotta try, Bobby! For the Brixmanian Empire! Against the Katzis!
-Yeah, for freedom!
Here comes the final burn. We did just have 15 units of fuel left, and Bob was worrying... A LOT!!! But, when the orbit was made and looking good, they had 5 units of fuel left!
-Phew! That was lucky!
-Yeah! Let's change our inclination a bit, so that we'll overlook the Katzi territory.
After a few seconds, all the fuel was burnt out, and they'd got some inclination to the north. Then they activated the satellite and decoupled.
-Well, let's check all cameras.
-Working fine.
-Right. Antennas?
-OK. Solar panels?
-Come on!
-Uh... Yeah. Yeah! They're working!
-Phew! Good!
If you wanna watch everything that happened at the launch, here's a link to my video:http://youtube.com/lWgFx_7zlMY